Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Meeting

1. It will expand my thinking and my experience in life. I expect that I will learn more have a nice study in this course. Provably I will understand many things that is happening to myself.

2. In my first experience in MCL I was so nervous because I don't know what will happen to me. Are my Professors, Classmates,and Schoolmates are friendly? I always thinking if I can pass this program I chose. I my first meeting it is not nice for me because I am sick I can speak well and breath. I continue to go to school and after 5 days Ive decided to go to Hospital for treatment.
High School and College life is so different. At first it is hard for me to adjust because I am always silent person and sometimes I don't talk to much a that's why some people can't bully me. They said that I was to serious and I am "suplado". A little bit like that but I am friendly. My experience in MCL will help me more than I expected. Now I want to learn many things about all my courses.
In time I adjust my self with the help of my friends. I learn to be always calm and patients. Now I learn to adjust my self in the new environment.

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